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The Latapie house receives the “Remarkable Contemporary Architecture” label!

By 6 March 2023April 23rd, 2024No Comments

Built in 1993 by architects Anne Lacaton & Jean-Philippe Vassal for the Latapie couple and their two children, this emblematic house was awarded the label Architecture contemporaine remarquable at the start of 2023.

The Latapie House Lacaton & Vassal, Floirac, ©Philippe Ruault

The avant-garde Maison Latapie uses materials from the agricultural and industrial construction sectors, here adapted for domestic use. Its modular facade of fibro-cement panels allows the house to be totally open or closed to the street, and its polycarbonate greenhouse forms a generous intermediate space that extends the living area outwards, offering a wide range of uses.

Elevated to the status of a contemporary icon, this house has enjoyed considerable success since its creation. It has been the subject of numerous publications around the world, and continues to inspire today’s architects for flexible, economical and ecological living.

Architecture de Collection has been presenting the house for sale since 2022 and is looking for a happy buyer for this remarkable site!

Anne Lacaton & Jean-Philippe Vassal architects

Awarded the prestigious Pritzker Prize in 2021, the work of Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal expresses a desire to rehabilitate and improve what already exists. Their approach rejects the “tabula rasa” principle of demolishing the old in order to make something new, places the well-being of the user at the forefront and defends a concern for economy and ecology within the architectural project.

The “Outstanding Contemporary Architecture” label

Created in 2016 by the French Ministry of Culture, the “Remarkable Contemporary Architecture” label rewards architectural achievements considered remarkable from a technical and aesthetic point of view. This label replaces the “Patrimoine remarquable du XXe” label created in 1999. The label is awarded to buildings constructed less than 100 years ago, and is automatically withdrawn once the centenary of construction has passed. It is awarded on the basis of the following criteria: the singularity of the work, the experimental nature of its design, its reputation, the exemplary role it plays in public policy, and whether it belongs to a group whose author has received national or local recognition.

Sources: French Ministry of Culture, Ecole de Chaillot, Centre Pompidou